Saturday, May 3, 2014


I am conducting research on my video filmed on April 1st 2013. I found out that there is a lot of activity in Coconino County AZ. There are no moose and very little elk. This leaves us to a bear, person or a bigfoot.
It is in range to see skin tone on a person. One other feature is that the film subject is much, much wider than the average human. Its not a tree stump for two reasons; 1. the "stump" is moving. 2. You will know if it is a stump because the lighting conditions. The stump will be not black, it will have more color than just black. It is also not trick of light because it is too solid to be a illusion.
    There was no road signs saying work on sewage system or road construction. The likely reason will be there was a family of sasquatch hiding in the woods. Not sure what the filmed one was doing. Maybe just taking a dump of sleeping and woke up at the wrong time.(right time for me.)

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